
Since the invention of photography, peoples around the world have used it to document society from their individual perspectives. A photo in its stillness holds a moment in time to share with the future. Such images are the window to the soul. A photographer’s soul is forever kept, like an image, with the insatiable need for more. A lifetime more of photographs and there still won’t be enough. There will never be enough for you to say what you really want. But each time you try, you get closer to speaking your truth, for a photo shows who you really are.

Latest Photography

Vanitas By Kim Dijkstra

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Garden of Love By Shiela Scott

Click photo to enlarge. Shiela Denise Scott is an artist earning credits in Photography and Creative Writing for Entertainment. She…

My name is Sami By Daniela Lucato

Length: 3 minutes 45 secondsHD Color Director, Writer, Performer: Daniela LucatoCinematography: Jacopo Pantaleoni Statement “This video was made during lockdown…


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Photography is the story I fail to put into words.

Destin Sparks