Volume 2 Issue 4


Experience the dynamic interplay of opposites in Flora Fiction’s latest issue, “Fire & Ice.” Journey through the creative landscapes of artists, photographers, writers, poets, and more from around the globe as they explore the elemental forces of passion and restraint, warmth and chill. Immerse yourself in a diverse tapestry of perspectives and expressions that ignite the senses and captivate the soul.


Welcome to the realm of contrasts, where the elements collide and harmony is found in the balance between extremes. Flora Fiction proudly presents “Fire & Ice,” our latest issue that delves into the captivating duality of opposites. In this immersive exploration, we invite you to traverse the creative landscapes crafted by artists, photographers, writers, poets, and visionaries from every corner of the globe. From the scorching intensity of flames to the cool serenity of frost, each contribution offers a unique perspective on the eternal dance between fire and ice.

Within these pages, you’ll discover a kaleidoscope of emotions, themes, and interpretations as diverse as the creators themselves. Through vivid imagery, evocative prose, and poignant verse, our contributors breathe life into the elemental forces that shape our world and our souls. Experience the raw power of passion igniting against the icy backdrop of restraint. Witness the beauty of contrasts as they intertwine, each enhancing the other in a symphony of light and shadow. Allow yourself to be transported to realms where the heat of desire meets the chill of introspection, where chaos and calm converge to create something truly extraordinary.

Join us as we celebrate the boundless creativity of the human spirit and the endless possibilities that arise when opposites attract. “Fire & Ice” is more than just an issueβ€”it’s a journey, an exploration, and an invitation to embrace the complexities of existence in all its fiery and frosty glory.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 1 × 27.94 cm


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